Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Call For Papers: ACM TSAS Special Issue on Geosimulation

Call For Papers

ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS)

Special Issue on Geosimulation

Guest Editors

  • Joon-Seok Kim, Emory University
  • Andreas Züfle, Emory University
  • Yao-Yi Chiang, University of Minnesota

Simulating past, present, and future events and phenomena in geospatial worlds empowers us to understand the fundamental composition and evolution of complex systems, forecast the course of complex dynamics, and prepare for numerous scenarios. Across the globe, researchers seek to model and simulate complex systems and phenomena such as cities, economies, civilizations, the spread of epidemics, transportation, urbanization, and migration to address global challenges, including the climate crisis, pandemics, international conflicts, deforestation, and sustainability.

Spatial algorithms and systems play a pivotal role in geosimulation, leveraging the community’s expertise in managing, modeling, querying, and mining spatial and spatiotemporal data. To date, the spatial algorithms and systems community has made a wide range of contributions to geosimulation, including acquiring and making available datasets to understand human mobility; improving our understanding of the spread of epidemics through geosimulation; enhancing land cover change prediction through simulation; and improving our understanding of human behavior through geosimulation. However, a wide range of questions and challenges remain unanswered, including gaining a deeper understanding of the relationship between human mobility and the spread of infectious diseases, improving spread prediction, and testing and implementing mitigative measures.

This special issue intends to bring together transdisciplinary researchers and practitioners from multiple areas, including Spatial Data Scientists (e.g., geographic information systems, databases, storage, big data, data mining, machine learning, security/privacy), Mathematicians, Epidemiologists, Computational Social Scientists, Psychologists, and Emergency Response and Public Safety experts, among others.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Geosimulation Models and Applications
  • Open Source General-Purpose Geosimulation Framework
  • Simulated Geospatial Data Generation Framework
  • Generative AI for Geosimulation
  • Simulation for Geospatial Foundation Models
  • AI and Geosimulation
  • Spatial Data Science and Geosimulation
  • Large-Scale Geosimulation
  • Geosimulation and Intervention
  • Geosimulation for Epidemiology
  • Validation and Verification for Geosimulation
  • Visual Analytics for Geosimulation
  • Digital Twin Geosimulation
Manuscripts will be reviewed as they are received, but no later than the date shown below.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for submissions of full-length papers: July 30, 2025
  • First-round review decisions: October 15, 2025
  • Deadline for revision submissions: December 1, 2025
  • Notification of final decisions: January 15, 2026
  • Tentative publication: March 2026

Submission Information

The journal welcomes articles on any of the above topics or closely related disciplines in the context of geosimulation. TSAS will encourage original submissions that have not been published or submitted in any form elsewhere, as well as submissions that may significantly contribute to opening up new and potentially important areas of research and development. TSAS will also publish outstanding papers that are "major value-added extensions" of papers previously published at conferences. Such extensions should contribute at least 30% new original work. In this case, authors will need to identify the list of extensions over their previously published paper in a separate document. For more information, please visit https://tsas.acm.org/authors.cfm or contact the special-issue guest-editors at tsas-geosimulation@acm.org.

Authors of papers accepted in this special issue by the end of September 2025 that are not an extension of a previous conference paper, will be offered to present their paper at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2025. This will be an oral presentation (not a poster).